"Popsicle Prompts" is a fun and interactive game designed to get everyone talking and connecting on a deeper level. With a variety of prompts, each round brings a new way to learn about one another and spark laughter. Simple to play yet full of opportunities for connection, this activity will have everyone talking, laughing, and building memories that last long after the holidays.
1. Prepare the Popsicle Sticks: Write one prompt on each popsicle stick and place them in a cup.
2. Draw the Sticks: Each night at dinnertime, have one person draw a popsicle stick out of the cup, read the question out loud, and go around the table answering the question. Feel free to dive deeper into each other's answers to spark more meaningful conversation.
3. Reuse the Sticks: After each stick is used, place it in a separate cup instead of throwing it away. If you choose, you can draw the same stick again later to see if anyone’s answers have changed, adding an element of imagination and creative reflection!